Messerschmitt BF-109F-4 Procedures

Some checklist features are not functional in fs2004.

Engine and Flap Controls PanelSHIFT+2
Auto-pilot and Navigation PanelSHIFT+3
Display/hide radio StackSHIFT+4
Display/hide GPS PanelSHIFT+5
Open Engine Bay Wing fold Command-User Defined
Radiator SettingsCowl Flap Commands
Fire Machine Guns Afterburner Command-User Defined
Open Main Exit Shift E
View Wing Contrails Pull more than 2.6 g's
View Altitude Contrail Fly Higher than 20,000 ft

Starting Procedure
[ ] To start engine - press the "E" key OR
[ ] Close Canopy
[ ] Master PowerON
[ ] Set PitchAuto
[ ] Throttle1/3
[ ] Set fuel cock to P1 + P2
[ ] Wind The Inertia Starter
[ ] Clear Prop
[ ] Pump Priming Handle
[ ] Pull Starter Control
[ ] Adjust Throttle For400-500 rpm
[ ] Check Oil Pressure

[ ] Wing FlapsUP
Steer a zig-zag
Always taxi with wing flaps UP and the oil and coolant shutters OPEN.

[ ] Check flight controls
[ ] Smoothly increase throttle
[ ] Hold tail down until sufficient speed (105-110km/h) is attained, then
raise tail slowly
[ ] At about 152-160km/h, ease back on the stick
[ ] Gradually adjust pitch attitude to climb at 250km/h
[ ] Retract the landing gear

Cruise Settings
[ ] Establish level flight
[ ] Power setting for cruise at 6.500m, 2300rpm - 1.28 ATA 425-430km/h
[ ] Adjust elevator trim Num Pad 7 = nose down
Num Pad 1 = nose up

[ ] Reduce power to maintain glide speedapproximately 213km/h
[ ] Relax pressure on the controls and the airplane will descend
[ ] To level off, increase power to original cruise setting

[ ] Reduce power to maintain glide speedapproximately 213km/h
[ ] Lower gear below 249km/h and flaps as needed
[ ] Adjust power settings for 200-213km/h final approach
[ ] Over runway (160-165km/h), establish slight nose-up attitude. Reduce
throttle to idle

NOTE: This aircraft's real-world checklists have been modified for use with
Flight Simulator.